My Pawpaw

It has taken me a few months to be able to write this blog.  My Pawpaw passed away in April, but it still feels like it was just yesterday.  

My Pawpaw wasn’t just a good man --- he was a GREAT man. 


  • He was a man of God

  • He was a husband

  • He was a father 

  • He was a grandfather

  • He was a mentor

  • He was a rancher

  • He was funny

  • He was quiet 

  • He was strong

My Pawpaw left his mark in many places and in many ways, especially with my three sisters and me. 

And you can see him in all four of us.

My sister Leah has his intellect, will-power and ability to hold people together. 

My sister Bethany has his quiet spirit and his never-ending compassion.  As well as his BIG heart for sharing about Christ. 

As the baby, we always joke that my sister Sarah got a little bit of everything - and she did! But the best talent was Pawpaw’s graphic design skills. 

I inherited his love and knowledge of ranching and of course funny, sometimes true, story telling! 


I spent a good part of my childhood with my Pawpaw in his beat up Ford pick-up truck.  He would pick me up in the mornings, we would drive around and check oil wells and then head to the house. 

I think he always volunteered to pick me up because I was a pretty darn good gate opener :) After we checked wells, I got to spend the rest of my day riding horses with my Mamaw before completing my school work. 

The best memory of riding around with my Pawpaw was listening to Bob Wills, talking about cows and belting out the song “Hot Rod Lincoln”! 

As a veterinarian, especially a female veterinarian, sometimes it can be difficult to win over those stuck-in-their-ways old-time ranchers … or “old codgers” as my Pawpaw used to say! 

But as soon as I tell them that I grew up helping my Pawpaw with his cows and the fact that he taught me how to palpate a cow at 13, I instantly gain their trust! 

I saw my Pawpaw as a wonderful man of God.  I saw with my own eyes the power of prayer through him.  

Our family is who we are today because of him.  He never gave up on any of us and always told us to pursue our dreams. It is because of him I am a veterinarian today. 

He will be missed, but he will always be present in our lives through the legacy he left.  I always told my Pawpaw that he was never allowed to leave us or we better all go together in the rapture!!!! 

So… I guess we all better get ready for that! 

Love you Pawpaw. 
