Change is Coming


The past two and half years of my veterinary career have been some of the best years of my life.  Not only have I been given the opportunity to learn from Dr. Brian McNeil at Cushing Veterinary Clinic, but the clients there have been so supportive of my crazy ideas and passion for veterinary medicine.  Due to the high volume of clientele at Cushing Veterinary Clinic, I have been able to learn so much and greatly expand my skills as a veterinarian. 

In school they tell you, “If you hear hoof beats, don’t think zebras.” Meaning, don’t always think a case that walks through the door is a “zebra” – something weird and rare.  However, at CVC, because we see so many patients, I do have to challenge myself to think beyond the norm as we do have our fair share of zebras!

Something else I learned? I don’t know everything.  Which, to be honest I have always known this based on the many amazing veterinarians that I have surrounded myself with!  It is okay to not know.  When I don’t know, I encourage referral.  I want your animal to get the best care and sometimes that means sending your patient elsewhere for the best possible care.


As I move further into my veterinary career and as a children’s book author I am continually looking for ways to be better, do better and make a difference.  In order to do this, sometimes you have to make a change.  Change can be hard.  Change can be sad.  But I look at it the same way I did veterinary school – a challenge to achieve something greater.   How can these changes make me better and enable me to reach more people?

What is this change you ask?  Opening my own veterinary practice in South Central Oklahoma.   My husband and I have decided to pack our bags and begin a new adventure.  We will be moving to a very rural area in Oklahoma, with no other veterinarians in the town or in the county.   If you recall from my book series, my platform is about encouraging veterinarians to move to rural areas where veterinarians are needed.  What better way to support my platform than to do it myself and be an example to others?

As excited as I am about having my own clinic, I am also sad that I am going to have to leave so many amazing people.   The McNeils took a chance on me the minute I stepped into their door two and a half years ago.   If not for them, I would not have been given the opportunities that I now have.   The staff at CVC has been like a family to my husband and me.  We will never forget their love and kindness. 


To my clients, I would like to say “Thank you!”  I have loved getting to know you over the past few years and am humbled by your trust in me to care for your precious pets.   Thank you for trusting me when I recommended extra diagnostics to ensure proper diagnosis, and more importantly, the right treatment plan.   I can only hope that I will have clients this good at my new clinic! 

As I press forward, I encourage you to always think and encourage change.  What changes can you make in your life to make it better for yourself and for others?  Look toward the future and dream big!